artworkcaperton gallery 2
The Hidden  Profile of Abuse
I'm Not Olive
Salem Bluebonnet 
Picasso Mimic
Bipolar Crayola
In Color Abstract #1
In Color Abstract #2
In Color Abstract #3
Blue Orient
Pull My Finger
    Sometimes, I'll surf something out on Google Images that catches my attention. Then I compare that with other photos on Google Image and Tah! Dah! There is the start of a new drawing!
 Things have to rhyme for some reason. It may look crazy but it has to make sense to me in some weird way and if it don't...I ditch it. 

    The biggest question I get is, "Where do you come up with this stuff? or even better; when I'm at a show or venue and people can clearly see I'm at my tripod artist desk, drawing.... People will look directly to my drawing then look back at me and will ask me, "Hey, did you draw that?" or "Did you do drugs in your past?!" or "Do you hate women?"  (women seem to always ask that question alot) The latter I understand, but Im sitting there with pencil in hand and they still wonder and ask to this day the same thimgs! 

    I guess I'm not a very obvious artist on the outside but I have a heart as big as Texas and Im proud to be...

           Blessed by God and a True Dallas Texas Bred Artist!
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Gallery 2
This page contains all my color pictures I'm selling...
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In Color Abstracts as a set $400.00
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