Artist Biography
This is my favorite photo. My Grand Daughter loves to take over my table and turn on lights and mess with stuff and she draws... a lot! She even has her box of crayons and a sketch pad to boot.
Here is my Great Grand mother and I  from an old church photo. This is the woman who saved my life by teaching me while I was young.
I bought little Sammy her first drawing desk and she does use it
My set up at the Lewisville Vista Ridge Mall
Art Show in Plano
My set up at the Valley View Mall
Art show at Lewisville Library
A Common Bond

    At the time I drew this , Barnum and Baily Circus closed its doors permanently and would dissipate. As this was going on I found an emotional moving photograph from the 1920's. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside because we all need  good friends that help us through toilsome times.
     Also; I felt this photo was relevant to the situations at hand today and it reflects a value of friendship between two unlikely friends. We all could learn to be a bit more kind in our lives no matter how big or how small we are and be content  with ones existence here on Earth. God rains on the wealthy and  God rains on the poor likewise.. there is no escape...
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    Master Artist Ken Caperton was born in May of 1960; in Dallas Tx, and was inspired to art in a most unique way. 
    "When I was 4 years old, I was sitting in a church pew with my Great Grandmother waiting for service to begin. I remember this moment very well... A tall gentleman named Bob Hackney sat next to us. A moment later he took a visitation card and pencil and  began drawing a sparrow type bird on the card and when he finished he gave me the card and went about his way. I can still see that bird today and I admired  how well it was done.  I wanted to do that!"

    By the time he was 5 yrs old, Kenneth drew his first picture ever of Mickey Mouse as "Steam Boat Willey." Around that same time he became engrossed with DaVinci and Michaelangelo and other artists of that era. But it was his teen years that brought a better seasoning to his new beginnings.
 Around these teen years, The Artist emerced himself heavy into M.C. Escher and Salvador Dali and a lot of ol 60's and 70's rock and roll  album cover art.

" The "Grateful Dead "  cover artist Conlan inspired me a lot along with Roger Dean; who's watercolor art was on all "Yes" and "Uriah Heep" albums. Frazetta displayed Viking type muscle characters for Tjhe Motley Hatchet" band while Andy Warhol told us, art is everywhere. Even if its a soup can."

    Kenneth went on to join the Air Force from 1981-89. He lived in many European  countries including Turkey, Italy, The UK and others. He would also meet his late wife in Spain.
    "I did a minimal amount of art in those days. The military and living in various countries  influenced a lot of my works and I'm still fascinated with airplanes and the   general mechanics of objects."

    The millennium brought on other artistic challenges. Kenneth was trying to find his place in this big old world. 
After covid he went on to work in art galleries and teaching children in art. He's received countless ribbons and certificates for his works. Currently his art is displayed at The World Trade Center in Dallas. And he's graced a few upscale Dallas magazines and his works have been seen in many countries.
​    The covid, took a toll on the art world. This gave Kenneth some time to reset his artistic clock and values and begin a new era for his works.  

"I proclaim a new era in art called,
"Premillenium Impressionism." 
I believe art took a big turn on itself after 9/11. There was this big thrust in the art world
 Art was going nowhere and didn't sell  well in those bad times." But it seems art has taken a new positive turn around here in 2024 and in the past years."

    So here's the beginning of the end for Kenneth. It's time to retire these days yet he still draws with great imagination and skillled detail. He can now concentrate more on what's important` to his spiritual health and his abilities in general.

    "I have to Thank The Lord above for this wonderful talent I have. With so much love and appreciation I draw from the heart.
     As time progresses I hope I will be remembered well by the world. And my art carries on long after I am gone from this world..."


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Just Be Yourself

If God wanted me to be a dog,
I'd bark and wag my tail.
If God wanted me to be a bird,
Across blue skies I'd sail.

But God made me an artist true.
I draw what's in my heart.
Passion thrown to paper,
My life portrayed in art.


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