This is my imitation of a Picasso. I wanted to draw the moment in the Bible where virgin Mary met Elizabeth the first time and both were pregnant! So I drew the Star of David to represent the Old Covenant. Mary has the Cross representing the New Covenant.
Picasso in his later years was painting subjects who were fairly "thick" in body composure. So this was my motive to mimic Paablo's later works. You might enjoy knowing that the face on both ladies is looking not only facing you, but the faces also sports a side view facing each other.
During the covid era, I came up with the idea of drawing a few Piccassos to surmise the boredom. In each picture I did a little something to compliment and blend into his abstracts without ruining his original painting. The "Why so Serious" picture is the only drawing I've done where I added words. It's a tabu of sorts in the art world not to add letters or numbers to a painting or drawing.. I got the title from the Joker in the Batman movie. It seemed to rhyme well at the time.
Contemporary and Fine Art
by Ingres
When Colombus discovered America, it was a ship companion named Amerigo Vespuccia who saw America first. So the new land was named after him.
The lady here was the wife of Amerigo Vespuccia.
This is actually a painting by the great artist Ingres. I drew this in the exact way the painting is except for one exceptiomn, I made an extension to the back of her hair. Just a bit...
I figured if Andy Warhol can turn soup cans into art; I too can let my hair down... So, I did a series of Cartoon Art Surrealisms; mostly by cartoonist Tex Avrey. I ventured into other Toon Art using other toons from the 1950's era.
The Surrealism and Crazy Stuff!
Pablo Picasso was one of the few Impressionist who actually made money for his works. But: as a boy, when he took his baths, Pablo would line up paintings of his mentors all around in the bathroom. He would sit in the tub and study every inch of those paintings and every paint stroke. He would emerce himself for long periods of time admiring his special collection.
Every Picasso represented here is to a tee exactly like his originals. Except in each of them I added my own little touch of artistic magic. For example "The Woman asleep in a Chair" Shes like the painting . I added the background
Betty Gable & Snagglepuss
They're All Wolves Ladies!
Unravelling the Great Unknown
The Blank Reflection of the Abused
Terror Pluto the Original
The Great Candyland Train Wreck
The Hidden Profile of Abuse
R.S. Connett
This picture to the right, I found by accident while surfing the internet. I'm not up for the title but I really loved the painting and I had to make one of my own.
Since I believe God is a single entity not compared to anyone. I wanted to create one not exactly like Mr. Connetts but in my own format. I kept the concept and it has proved to be worth my effort. I drew the Blue Man first and I didn't like it. But it did sell... Then came the Red Nan. After the Green Man I made another Green Man.(not shown)