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​Master Artist 
Kenneth M Caperton
First, allow me to thank you for visiting my web site! 
I take a lot of pride in what I do. I've been an artist since I was 5 years years old. So there's a lot  of experience that goes into each of my pictures and I try to reflect  that  talent back to every client. 
I'm not a "one trick pony either! I do a lot of things with my God given abilities  I hope I can help you, the client ,in any way possible to quench those artistic drives. 
Everything you see here is a heart  felt  inspiration done in color pencil.
Welcome to World Caperton
Geetings to all!
Due to the fact that I am getting older and  health issues are becoming more frequent, I made a decision to sell off my originals to you good people. So all you see here are my works. since the covid. I've amassed quite the collection over time and I want to be rid of it all....
Contact Us
Anarchy  in Prodigy
this comes already in a white frame
Mechanical Medina
 Rain Babylon
Nova's Grand Arrival
Aviational Displacement 
The End of Us
Book Mark Butterflys
Childhood Inventors
Cowboy with Dogs
The Old Sea Captain 
The Lady Artist 
Friends that Care
Angel with Child
Lady Artist at Canvass
Shower Pin up
Trident Wars
Cheese Please
Cowboy at Bar
Pin up with Dog
Pin up on Phone
Unless otherwise noted, all drawings measure 8.5x11.5 image and 16x20 frame size exterior. They come to you mounted in a black mat and clear plastic sleeve to protect it
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African Tribal Queens
 During the covid episode, I decided to get inventive and being the profeminista I am; I came upon the idea of  drawing these Queens of Africa. Each have names and rule their tribal community. It was a bit of a challenge for me but the end result I think turned out kind of nice. 
The set of 3 will cost you $450.00
Child in Prayer